Wednesday, April 11, 2012

DAY 4: Professor Ninja

First day of class. Rob hands me the keys and takes off for nursing school. I attempt to explain pronouns to a dozen giggling tween girls. They have no idea what I'm talking about. A maintenance guy shows up. He needs something. I have no clue what he's talking about.

He wants me to...  He's looking for...  um...

I run back upstairs to enlist the aid of my students. A dozen giggling tween girls are now pantomiming the plight of the maintenance man for me. He's here to fix our security cameras, but he needs a ladder. Great work tween team. A+ for everyone.

We have a ladder, but it's in the alley way. I don't have a key for the alley gate. Oh well, he doesn't mind watching me teach English for the next few hours while we wait for Rob to get back.

No way.

I climb out onto the neighbors roof and shimmy my way down into the alley, then return up to the side balcony with the ladder in tow. Problem solved.

Two dozen tween girls are bouncing off the walls. Did they just multiply? My new name is Professor Ninja. Professor Ninja wants to do some professoring. Spazzy Tween Team wants to do some ninjaing.

This job rocks.