Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 28: Sugarcane Subsidies

Brazil hyper subsidizes sugar until it's cheaper than dirt. Today was not my first time drinking a Coke in Brazil. Today was my first time reading the ingredients on my Coke. Sugar. Brazilian soda does not have high fructose corn syrup. Brazil does not have high fructose corn syrup. The last 27 days have been a blind taste test. I never noticed a difference.

Dear food hippies: Shut up. You're wrong. 

Brazil does not hyper subsidized corn, so grass is cheaper. Brazilian cows eat grass. I have had steak seven times since I got here. The seven best steaks I have ever had were all in the past 28 days. This is not hyperbole, and it's not a close call. These steaks are better by a margin wider than bears comparison. 

Dear food hippies * : Keep on. Corn fed beef is dog food. **


* Vegetarian foodies excluded.
** Breed, age at butchering, and method of drying are also different here. You might still be wrong.