Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 42: The Orthodontist.

Strobe lights and neon illuminate the inside of an orthodontist office. It is 10:00 p.m. The windows are mostly covered but an occasional laser finds the gaps and skips across the street.

This orthodontist, I discover, moonlights as a disk jockey. DJ Dentes* (pronounced "dainchs"). Braces by day, parties by night. If I ever need braces, I'm going to DJ Teeth.

*DJ Teeth, a doctor of dentistry, has no relation to Electric Mayhem frontman Dr. Teeth.


  1. (Singing:) "I like to move it, I like to move it, move it..."

  2. Hey Perfesser -- anxiously awaiting your next installment!

  3. Dude! Where's your next update? You can't keep your adoring public waiting this long! :) We miss hearing about your great adventures!! Hope all is well! Love, All of Us :)

    1. Sorry for the delay. My pen and paper version is currently at Day 170, so yeah, I have some serious catching up to do.
