Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 41: You're Killing Me, Smalls

Last week the class discussion was on food. How do you translate "smores"? You don't. Portuguese has no word for smores and Brazil has no concept of such a food. This was to be rectified immediately, but Brazil does not have marshmallows or graham crackers.

Today, we have finally imported our exotic ingredients. We build a fire on the roof and I lecture on the two schools of mallow roasting.

Black mallow enthusiasts insist on a fully flamin mallow, whereas Brown mallow purists enjoy the art of evenly rotisserie browning their mallows. Brown mallowists have better tasting smoors, but burnt hands. Black mallowists get to play with fire.

Are you a Brown mallowist or a Black mallowist? Comment below.


  1. Haha! Probably brown, but I'd have to lean toward the entertainment value of black though lately. ;) That was sweet of you all to bring that in for the kids. :) What kind of chocolate did you use?

    1. Hershey's. I think you can buy Hershey's bars everywhere on earth. They have a factory here anyway.

  2. Wow. Okay. "Authentic" :) I thought the local chocolate would be better, so I didn't know if you would use that or Hershey's. Although Hershey's gives it that nice "traditional" flavor. ;) Glad it was a good time. :)
