Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Observation #30: Football Stats (Estatísticas de Futebol)

Both of my blog posts with 'soccer' in the title have been viewed twenty times more than the rest of my posts. These additional hits are all from Brazil.

Why are Brazilians searching the internet for 'soccer'? I have not found any indication that the American MLS has any popularity here, and I doubt very much that they are interested in the sports happenings in Papua New Guinea. The rest of the world calls it football.

This raises a question. Would the additional hits be significantly more than twenty if the title said 'football' instead?

...I know how to find out.

Feel free to contribute to observation #31 and post 
your thoughts in the comments section below.


  1. I think you are tricky! ;) What were the results?

    1. So far the only difference is that this one has more comments.
